Sunday, 25 May 2014


ARTS (234-08037118691)
  • Creative Arts
  1. Theatre Arts: Literature in English and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French, History, Government, Music and Fine Arts.
  2. Visual Arts: Fine Arts and any two of Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French, History, Government and Music.
  3. Music: Music and any two of Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Christian Religious Studies (CRS), Islamic Religious Studies (IRS), French, History, Government and Fine Arts.
  • Linguistics, African and Asian Studies (Yoruba, Igbo): Yoruba/Igbo, any other two of History, IRS, CRS, French, Government, Music, Fine Arts and  Literature in English.
  • English: Literature in English and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, History, Government, Music and Fine Arts.
  • History and Strategic Studies: History and or Government and any two of Government, Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, Literature in English and French.
  • European Languages:
  1. French: French and any two of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, History, Government, Literature in English, Music and Fine Arts.
  2. Russian: Any three of Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, French, History, Government, Literature in English, Music and Fine Arts.
  • Philosophy: Any three of Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, French, History, Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics, Biology but at least one Art.
  • Accounting: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.
  • Actuarial Sciences: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.
  • Business Administration: Economics and any subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.
  • Finance: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.
  • Insurance: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.
  • Industrial Relations & Personnel Management: Economics and any other two subjects from Arts, Science and Social Sciences.

EDUCATION (+ 234-1-08023810802)
  • Adult Education: Any three of Literature in English, Economics, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Igbo, Yoruba, Geography and French.
  • Educational Administration: Any three of Economics, Literature in English, CRS/IRS, Government, History, Geography, Igbo, French and Yoruba.
  • Education Biology: Biology, Chemistry and Physics
  • Education Chemistry: Chemistry, Physics and Biology
  • Education English: Literature in English and any two of French, Igbo, Yoruba, History, CRS/IRS, Government, Economics and Arabic
  • Education French: French and any two of Literature in English, Yoruba, CRS, IRS, Igbo, Government and History
  • Education Geography: Geography and any two of Economics, Government/History, CRS/IRS, Yoruba and Igbo.
  • Education Guidance and Counselling: Any three of Literature in English, Economics, CRS/IRS, Government/History, Igbo, Yoruba, French and Geography.
  • Education History: History and any two of CRS/IRS, Literature in English, Igbo, Yoruba, Government, French and Geography.
  • Education Igbo:  Igbo and any two of French, Yoruba, Literature in English, History and CRS/IRS, Geography and Government.
  • Education Integrated Science:  Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
  • Education Mathematics: Any three of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Further Mathematics. (Candidate must have Credit in Further Mathematics at O’Level).
  • Education Physics:  Physics and Chemistry plus any one of Biology and Further Mathematics.
  • Education Yoruba:  Yoruba and any two of French, Literature in English, Government, History, CRS/IRS and Geography.
  • Education Economics: Economics and any two of Geography, Government, History, CRS/IRS, Igbo, French and Yoruba.
  • Business Education: Economics and any two of Accounting, Geography, Government, History, CRS/IRS, Igbo, French and Yoruba.
  • Christian Religious Studies: CRS and any two of Government, History, Literature in English, Geography, Economics, Yoruba, Igbo, French.
  • Islamic Religious Studies: IRS and any two of Government, History, Literature in English, French, Yoruba, Igbo and Economics.
  • Human Kinetics & Health Education:  Biology/Health Science/Physical Education, one other Science subject and any other subject.
  • Technology Education: Physics/Technical Drawing and any other two Science subjects.
  • Home Economics: Chemistry, Biology and one other subject from Economics, Food & Nutrition, Home Management and Clothing & Textile.
  • ENGINEERING (234-1-8055586945)
  • Chemical: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Civil & Environmental: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Computer: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Electrical & Electronics: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Metallurgical & Materials: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Mechanical: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Petroleum & Gas: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Surveying & Geoinformatics: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Geography is accepted in lieu of Chemistry.
  • Systems: Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
  • Architecture: Physics, Technical Drawing or Fine Arts and any one of Economics, Geography, Chemistry and Biology.
  • Building: Physics, Chemistry and Economics.
  • Estate Management: Economics and any two from Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Physics, Technical Drawing, Fine Arts, Building Construction and Land Surveying.
  • Quantity Surveying: Physics or Chemistry and Economics
  • Urban and Regional Planning: Geography and two from Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Fine Arts or Technical Drawing.
LAW (234-08023132114): Literature in English, one Social Science subject plus one Arts subject.
SCIENCE (234-8023288606)
  • Botany: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Microbiology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Cell Biology &Genetics: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Chemistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Computer Science: Physics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry. Candidate must have credit in Further Mathematics at O’Level.
  • Fisheries: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Geology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Geophysics: Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Further Mathematics
  • Mathematics: Physics, Further Mathematics and Chemistry. Candidate must have credit in Further Mathematics at O’Level.
  • Marine Biology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Physics: Physics, Chemistry and Further Mathematics
  • Zoology: Chemistry, Biology and Physics
  • Biochemistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
SOCIAL SCIENCES (234-08033304512)
  • Economics: Economics and any two of Accounting, Geography, Further Mathematics and Government, Lit-in-English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology.
  • Geography: Geography and any two of Economics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Government.
  • Mass Communication: Literature in English and any two of Economics, Government, History and CRS/IRS.
  • Political Science: Government and any two of Literature in English, Economics, History and CRS/IRS, Geography.
  • Psychology: Biology and any two of Economics, Government, Chemistry, Physics and Literature in English.
  • Sociology: Any three of Economics, Government, Geography and one of History or CRS/IRS.
PHARMACY (234-1-8023004426): Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (08023059033,  08023014284 & 08023034954)
  • Dentistry: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Medicine: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Pharmacology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Physiology: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Physiotherapy: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Medical Laboratory Sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Nursing Sciences: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
  • Radiography: Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Please note that the underlined subjects are COMPULSORY. All enquiries: Director, Foundation Programmes, University of Lagos: 09093621958; 08086757464 (Please all calls should be between 11am and 3pm Monday – Friday).
In the Partnership Programme, students spend one year on the Foundation Programme in the University of Lagos and proceed to any of the Partnering Universities to complete the degree programmes.
UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE (U.K.) PROGRAMMES:     Enquiries: 09093621958 & 0806757464
  • Accounting:  Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS. Advertising: Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS. 
  • Biomedical Science:  Physics, Chemistry and Biology.  (Successful candidates can proceed to Medical School and complete Medicine in three years). Eu Students + 44(0)1582489204
  • Business Studies:  Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS.    E-mail address:
  • Computer Science:  Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS.
  • General Media Studies (Mass Communication):  Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS.
  • Law:  Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS
  • Marketing: Any three subjects excluding CRS and IRS.
  • Psychology:  Further Mathematics and any two subjects excluding CRS and IRS
UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE (U.K.) PROGRAMMES:  Enquiries: 09093621958 & 0806757464 Unilag
Business-Related Programmes
  • Business Administration:                                     Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Business Studies:                                               Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Business Information Systems or Technology:      Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • International Business:                                       Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • International Fashion Management:                      Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Management and Marketing:                               Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Marketing:                                                         Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Marketing and Business Management:                  Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Business Operations Management:                       Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Retail Management (with options):                       Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
Construction-Related Programmes
  • Commercial Management & Quantity Surveying:   Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Construction Project Management:                       Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Facilities Management:                                        Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Building Services and Sustainable Engineering:     Physics and 2 other subjects excluding IRS
  • Architecture:                                                      Fine Arts or Design and 2 other subjects except CRS & IRS
Economics-Related Programmes
Economics: Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.        Business Economics: Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
Law-Related Programmes
  • Law: Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.      Human Rights: Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
  • Law and Criminology: Any three subjects excluding CRS & IRS.
Scholarships may be available to some prospective students
UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST OF ENGLAND, (UWE) BRISTOL: Enquiries: 09093621958 & 0806757464
Science related programmes                                       Contact: Jimi Ogunnusi eMail:
Biomedical sciences, Biology Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Human Biology,Conservation Biology, Sports Science, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry: As in Faculty of Science, UNILAG
Engineering related programmes
Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Motorsport Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Computer Science, Construction Management, Civil Engineering, Architectural Design Technology: As in Faculty of Engineering, UNILAG
Environmental Sciences related programmes
Construction Management, Civil Engineering, Architectural Design Technology: As in Faculty of Environmental Sciences, UNILAG           
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM: Enquiries: 09093621958 & 0806757464
Contact: Mr. James Minhas eMail:  Tel.  +44(0)1214146137
Law, Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electronic & Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Materials Science and Technology
SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY, CHINA, PROGRAMME: Enquiries: 09093621958 & 0806757464
Medicine only: As in College of Medicine, University of Lagos
The estimated cost of training a student in Soochow University is N2.2 million per annum (excluding airfare, settling-in allowance of approximately $500 and Visa fee of N 20,000:00)

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