Wednesday, 4 June 2014

FRAUD ALERT: JAMB Candidates Beware!!!

One of the numbers is this 07053******, you will be asked to forward your data such as jamb reg no, exam no, and centre no, later you will receive alert from this sender JAMB 2014: saying "Due to an error on your data you will pay the some of #5000 for the release of your result. Also an individual bank details will be sent : You are to use the following details for the payment.
No: 496******


Mind you these are scam or fraudsters claiming to be JAMB officials, if you have any problem with your result go to the nearest JAMB office and lay your complain. Please do not fall into these people hands all in the name of JAMB.

Admission is certain for us with God by our side, Peace unto you and me.

Post-UTME Past Questions for your School of Choice (Complete & Original) with Myschool's 1 year of SMS alerts for information like this, is now Available. Click Here to Apply!

JAMB Change of Course/Institutions Begins. Click Here to Apply!

JAMB CBT Candidates? Practice Past Question & Take a FREE JAMB test by clicking here

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